For Toilets

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Manufacturer of household chemistry
For Toilets

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Manufacturer of cleaning products
For bathrooms
For kitchens
For kitchens
Chemicals Factory Unia
Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun, Emu
For floors and furniture
For dishwashers
For dishwashers

Chemicals Factory Unia shortly

Chemicals Factory Unia is a company that has been operating on the market since 1950. As a manufacturer of household chemistry, Unia can boast of promoting such brands as Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun and Emu. From the very moment the company was founded, we wanted to create something that would be functional, reliable, and at the same time of the highest quality. This is how we created the products of our brands Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun and Emu.

Manufacturer of household chemistry – our and Your success

In retrospect, we see that as a manufacturer of household chemistry we have achieved great success. Our products are sold both on the domestic and foreign market, but this is not what we are most pleased with. We are proud that you, our customers, trust us enough to use our cleaning products. If it weren’t for you and your choice, our Credit Chemicals Factory Unia wouldn’t be able to enjoy such a position, for which we would like to thank you very much.

You, our customers, are our motivation. It is with you in mind that we improve our brands Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun and Emu. That is why our products are of the highest quality and therefore make cleaning easy, fast and pleasant. Our products leave the effect of cleanliness and gloss for a long time with Your little effort.

Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun oraz Emu – za markami kryją się ludzie

Nasz sukces kryje się również za ludźmi z pasją, którzy pomogli nam stworzyć rozpoznawalne marki Tytan, Ligia, Tajfun oraz Emu. To dzięki zatrudnieniu wysoko wykwalifikowanej kadry kierowniczej oraz pracowniczej Zakłady Chemiczne Unia zdobyły Wasze zaufanie. Dzięki innowacyjnym pomysłom naszych pracowników oraz ich chęci do pracy mogliśmy się tak rozrosnąć, jako producent chemii gospodarczej. Mimo to ani nasi pracownicy, ani my nie spoczywamy na laurach. Nadal staramy się ulepszać nasze marki oraz produkty, aby jak najbardziej ułatwić Wam sprzątanie w domu. Non stop myślimy o tym, co można zmienić w recepturze, aby Wasze zadowolenie rosło wraz z jakością naszych marek. Mamy nadzieję, że dzięki naszym produktom polubicie sprzątanie tak mocno, jak my!

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Phone: +48 61 877-03-31


Phone: +48 61 877-18-71

Sales department

Phone: +48 61 877-19-31
Fax: +48 61 878-07-75

Zakłady Chemiczne Unia is a company with a rich history! We have been manufacturing and selling household chemistry items since 1950. The goal we set for ourselves was one - to achieve a high cleanliness effect with a minimum of customer effort. The achievement of this goal is possible thanks to the meticulous and exhaustive analysis of users' opinions and the employment of highly qualified management staff. The stable position of the company is guaranteed by strong brands, as well as an increasing range of offered products that are successful on the domestic and foreign market.
Tytan product catalog
Own brands catalog